To develop Christlike married couples who will be leaders in their families, their occupations, their community, and their churches. These men and women will have a clear vision for their life priorities, and will be • Upright in character • Servant leaders • Godly husbands, wives and parents • Effective builders of God’s kingdom
The History of CLF
The idea behind the Charlotte Leadership Forum grew out of the desire of four men in their 50s and 60s to help younger men grow and develop in their relationship with God, and in their effectiveness as leaders in their families, churches, and communities. The founders of CLF are Sam Cornwell, Steady Cash, Don Wrigley, and Bud Carrier were friends for over 30 years. For over 20 years they met weekly to share their lives with each other. During their times together, they often discussed their interest in, and sympathy for, young family men caught in the middle of conflicting demands on their time and resources. Out of these discussions came the concept of impacting the lives of young leaders by helping them develop a vision for God’s call on their lives, and by helping them learn how to implement that vision. CLF has continued its legacy through volunteer alumni leaders and has expanded the women’s potion of the ministry well beyond the original vision.